Arrival and Departure Procedures & Guidelines
Drop-off and Pick-up
Student drop-off will begin at 8:20 when staff members are on duty. Please DO NOT drop off students until staff members are present and your students are supervised. When dropping off students for the morning session, please do not get out of your cars. Staff members will be available to assist students. We need to keep the car-line flowing! If you need to get out of your car for a special reason, please be sure to park in an assigned parking spot as it is a very busy vehicular time. Drop off should only occur at the side doors. The safety of our students is our primary concern.
If you drop-off students after 8:45, you must park your vehicle and escort them inside of the building. Please DO NOT have students enter late on their own. Students must check in with a member of the office staff, state a reason for the late arrival, and receive a tardy pass.
Parent pick-up will begin at about 3:35 on the side of the building - once the buses have departed. Please be sure to wait in the car line near the marked area at the rear and side of the building. You will be directed to pull up to the pick-up area once all buses have departed. Again, there is no need to get out of your cars. We will deliver students to you. Please use caution and be patient. Please do NOT pull out in front of other cars – wait for the line to move. Although waiting for others to board may be inconvenient, we want to stay accident free at PCS!
Changes in Dismissal
Please note that changes in your student’s normal dismissal routine must be made in writing and sent to school via your child’s backpack. For safety reasons, we cannot accept dismissal changes over the phone. Please be sure your pick-up person comes to school with identification.Due to the activity involved prior to and at dismissal time, all early dismissals should be done prior to 3:00. After 3:00, parents and guardians should wait for the regular dismissal process. Please do not enter the building during the dismissal process for safety reasons. We have many children to manage, and safety is our primary concern.