How to volunteer at PCS
There are three types of volunteering opportunities available to parents:
- The first is as a member of the PTO. As a PTO member and parent short volunteering opportunities such as fund raisers, book fairs, and the Fall festivals are available. These are coordinated through our PTO. When you arrive at PCS to work with the PTO please have your ID available to be screened through our system before entering the student areas.
- The second way is as a regular volunteer. Whether this is in the classroom, as a lunch monitor, or checking in books in the library this is a great way to be involved in your students school life. In order to be a regular volunteer there is IRSD paperwork which must be completed and you must submit recent fingerprints from the Delaware State Police. This can be coordinated through our guidance counselor, Jessica Ford. Please contact her directly if you are interested in starting the process to volunteer at PCS.
- The third way to volunteer is as a mentor to a PCS student. If you are interested in becoming a mentor at PCS please contact Ms. Jessica Bova, school counselor. Mentors volunteer 1/2 per week providing meaningful, caring relationships developed overtime with a PCS student. All students can benefit from one more meaningful relationship in their life. All mentors go through child centered creative mentoring training and a background check before they can be matched.
We ask that all school volunteers:
- Use quiet voices and kind words only.
- Stay with PCS staff members or in areas where they are easily visible when with a student.
- Are prepared to work with any child in the classroom, not necessarily your own or to help the teacher with administrative tasks such as hanging student work, cutting things, or using the copier.
- Come “dressed for success” we strive to model adherence to the districts standards for our students.
- Be prepared to love it! Students love to see you it sends the message that you love them and that you value learning.